Thursday, February 25, 2010

Furious George Goes Bananas

Hey! Look out! It's only about two months until Furious George lands in your bookstores!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Astronaut troubles...

Here's a little one that I liked, but never finished. How's this poor boob ever going to fly a rocket when he can't even figure out his oxygen tubes. As often as I can, I draw without a goal. I believe that images and ideas are often lurking just outside of our awareness, and the only way to release them is to simply put pencil to paper.

“A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something”
---Frank Capra

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

PS 83

A few weeks ago I visited my son's kindergarten class at PS 83. I had a great time reading my books, discussing my stories and showing the children how I make my drawings. If you're interested in me visiting your school, feel free to contact me.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Fallen Story Idea

Here's another little story idea that went nowhere. A windy night causes a star to fall from the sky. This little girl tries different methods to get the star back up in the sky. A little too cute. I do, however, like the setting. I lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, form 1988 to 2003, and I'm glad that the neighborhood found its way into my sketchbooks.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Don't you see it?

A few months ago I was at my doctor's office. After seing the doctor, I went to the bathroom before heading home. On the ceiling above the sink was this water stain. It looks just like a taco, right? Right?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

From doodle to Book...

Here's another drawing from the same sketchbook as the previous post. I remember drawing this while sittting outside a laundromat on a summer's night in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The truck was from observation, the birds were pure whimsy. However, I think this image stayed with me, because a few years later I published Truck Duck.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Houses on the Moon

A Mexican wrestler, a spotted whale, and some houses on the moon with a really old telephone system. I'm not sure what they had in common, but this is the sort of free-flowing drawing that I like to do in my sketchbooks. Sometimes the images build up to something cohesive, adding to each other in ways that I had not predicted. Most of the time, however, the images just end up looking silly next to each other. But that's fine, because I'm always up for a laugh. Either way, I've always been oddly fond of this page as a record of idea generation.